Discover GUG Preschool and experience our unique curriculum from the safety of your home!
Before the commencement of the Circuit Breaker, our team of educators and curriculum specialists have quickly put together well-thought learning packs for the children. Even though these are challenging times with work-from-home and home-based-learning becoming the new norm, GUG Preschool would want to do everything we can to support children’s learning and continued growth.
Although we are told to stay home and be responsible citizens, learning continues to be part of our daily lives and now we also wish for parents to be able to learn more about what GUG Preschool has to offer – and what better way than to join our Virtual GUG Experience!
During this one-hour session, learn more about our specially curated programmes, be a part of our live music and story-telling segment and see first-hand the kind of science experiments our students get to undertake in class!
There are exclusive GUG activity sheets to be downloaded at the end of the virtual session that aren’t available anywhere else, so be sure to join us with your little one then! *Programme will be for children 18 months to 5 years old

Sign Up For Our LIVE Session Here!
The registration for this event had ended. Please follow up on Facebook to find out more about our upcoming events!